A Time Out …

When first hearing this term it was relative to disciplining a child. It was kind of a preposterous idea to those of us growing up in the generation of “spare the rod and spoil the child!” But tonight I want to talk about a completely different type of time out. This is more of a time out from everyday life!

Have you ever felt like you needed to just get away from it all? It doesn’t happen very often but there have been difficult times in my life when I threatened to run away – and I’m not young or foolish! The daily demands on even a retired grandma can sometimes be over-whelming. Of course, it’s not from my loved ones I would run but just from the world and more likely, myself. It seems I have more trouble measuring up to my own standards than to those of others.

Recently I had the opportunity, however, to do just that. My husband and I planned a trip months ago and as each day drew closer to our vacation I would think of a jillion things I needed to do, tasks I needed to complete, reasons I probably should NOT go! But … my subconscious mind kept saying, “Go! You deserve it. You need it!” So go we did.

It wasn’t without reservation, mind you, as the elements of nature were against us from the beginning but we persevered! As we ventured further from home – far enough from cell phone coverage and with no internet, it was a little dicey. How could I abandon my electronics? How would I make it without talking to my children, grandchildren and even my own mom for eight days? Would they be able to get along without me? Then the option to purchase a plan to stay in touch became available and … I resisted! It was glorious – I didn’t have to worry about anyone or anything. I could actually enjoy being with those I chose and not feel one bit guilty. There was absolutely nothing I could have done to help anyone from where we were anyway.

I really did need this time “time out” and it was one of the best things I have done for me in a long time. But, as with all good things, the time ended. Once arriving within communicative range, my cell phone began to beep with messages – texts, emails, missed calls. I was back to being at others’ beck and call and geography no longer made a difference.

The first day back held no surprises. The unpacking, washing and putting things back in order came easily as my husband is such a blessing when it comes to getting back into a regular routine after being gone from home. But, as the week continued my world started crumbling … again. Not in a big way but in the small mundane ways that tend to cause my anxious mind to race. I prayed, cried and lost a lot of sleep but in the end, nothing changed.

It appears that even though “I” was on a time out, the world kept revolving. People kept living their normal lives and “stuff” happened even without me knowing a thing! It was this realization that I really never had any control. God IS the only one with control and He put my fears to rest and my feet to action by listening to His still small voice and obeying Him. Would I like another “time out” … to run away from it all? Yes … sometimes … but only knowing that God is handling things whether I am here physically or not. He has a way of doing that and I am so glad He loves me even when I have doubts.

Go ahead and take that “time out” … we all need it … but remember … God has your back too!

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