Gifts, Food and a “beam” …?

I wanted to write a Christmas Day poem but a poet I’m not!

So in the Deep South where we wore shorts two days ago and broke out the sweaters today, I don’t know why I get emotional every Christmas. By all outward appearances I have it all – a loving family, two precious grandsons – even a grand-dog not to mention a multitude of friends. We have a nice warm house with plenty of food – in fact probably MORE than we need. And … most importantly I love what this day represents – the birth of my savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

But to me it’s also a time for remembering – parents, grandparents and way too many dear relatives and friends we have lost, friends waiting and praying by their child’s bedside for a miracle, all the people met throughout the past year and how they have affected our lives and especially those who do NOT know my Lord and may not have the material or emotional things I take for granted.

This year seemed to be more than that for me and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I’d love to pour my heart out but I don’t know that I could even begin to touch on why my emotions have been like a yo-yo today.

Last night we spent a wonderful celebration supper with our immediate family – maybe more nontraditional than what we usually eat but it was filling and I heard no complaints. Our youngest grandson read the Christmas Story from Luke 2 and then I shared the story of the Christmas Orange and gave each child a chocolate orange to share with others. Gifts were exchanged with exclamations over surprises not expected and all was well with the world in this small coastal Mississippi town. I went to bed tired but pleased and so thankful for all He has blessed us with.

Old habits are hard to break and I started waking up at 4:30 a.m., then 6:15 and finally the phone rang at 7:00 with two excited and eager young boys ready for Mammie & Grandiddy to join them for breakfast and see what Santa brought. We hurriedly dressed and grabbed the camera and our coffee to travel over the bayou and swampland to my happy place – meaning anywhere our grandchildren are is my “happy” place.

After some of the excitement wore down and we all started looking more than a little exhausted Mammie & Grandiddy went home for some “down” time. The only problem with downtime on a holiday is that remembering thing – precious memories of those we have loved and still cherish and this always brings tears to my eyes. Then today, of all days, I really DID get something in my eye and it has hurt all day. After deciding I must have scratched it somehow this scripture came to mind:  Luke 6:42b “Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye.”

It could be that He is speaking to me right now. Have I been too judgmental? I know God has a plan and my task is just to keep praying and then WAIT! So even though this is not really a Christmas scripture, it is one to think about as I approach the New Year. This time next year, only God knows the plan so I will continue to be patient and thankful for all He has blessed this family with and continues to bless every day. Happy Birthday Jesus!

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